The written syllabus of Information and Communication Technology(452)

১৮তম নিবন্ধনে কলেজের শুধুমাত্র ICT(452) এই বিষয়ের উপরই পরীক্ষা হবে। এর আগে লিখিত বিষয় দুইটি ছিল একটি ছিল Computer Science(431) আরেকটি ছিল ICT(452). কিন্তু ১৮তম নিবন্ধন থেকে Computer Science(431)  এই বিষয়টি লিখিত পরীক্ষায় থাকছেনা।

তারপরও আপনাদের এপ্লিকেশন কপি দেখে নিশ্চিত হবেন যে আপনি লিখিত এর বিষয় কোনটি সিলেক্ট করেছেন।

নিচে NTRCA এ কর্তৃক Information and Communication Technology(452) এর লিখিত  সিলেবাস দেওয়া হলো এবং সাথে তার পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড লিংক ও দেওয়া হলো
এই ওয়েবসাইটে আপনি সকল ICT এর সকল টপিকের উপর বিস্তারিত আলোচনা পাবেন যাতে আপনার লিখিত প্রিপারেশনে শতভাগ সাহায্য পেতে পারেন।


Subject: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Code: 452

Marks: 100

Structured and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concept (Answer 02×10=20):

Fundamentals of C programming; Introducing C’s Program Control Statements; Data types, Variables and Expressions; Exploring Arrays and Strings; Understanding Pointers and Functions; Console and File I/O; Structures and Unions.

Topics include object-oriented programming concepts, such as classes, objects, methods, interfaces, packages, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.

Introduction to Software Engineering (Answer 01×10=10):

history, nature, relation of software engineering to other discipline, software development life cycle, Programming language; Software nature and qualities: product qualities, project qualities, correctness, robustness, usability, maintainability, portability, quality measurements; Software development life cycle: requirement, design, development, testing, maintenance; Software development model: waterfall, agile, spiral, RDD, V model; Software engineering principles: modularity, abstraction, generality, object oriented, component oriented, structured.; Specification and Verification: requirement specification, descriptive specification, testing, analysis, debugging; Modeling and Design: basics of modeling diagram, UI design. Software Project Management: concepts, project metrics, estimation, risks management.

Data Structure and Algorithm & Combinatorial Optimization (Answer 02×10=20):

Introduction – Data Structures and Complexity of Algorithms, Time Space Tradeoff, Searching Techniques- Linear and Binary Searching; Sorting and Recursion – Discussion of Common Sorting Techniques: Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Radix Sort; Factorial and Tower of Hanoi Problem; Linked Lists – Abstract Data Types, List ADTs, and Linked Lists: Singly, Two Way and Circular Linked Lists; Stacks and Queues – Stacks and Queues and their Implementation Strategies; Prefix, Infix and Postfix Expressions, their Transformation and Evaluation Algorithms; Hashing – Hash Indices and Hash Functions, Static and Dynamic Hashing, Collisions in Hash Indices and Collision Resolving Techniques; Trees – Tree Concepts, Binary Tree, BST, Heaps, Heap Sort, Huffman Encoding Technique, AVL Tree, B Tree and B+ Tree; Graphs – Graph Terminologies, Representing Graphs, Graph Searching: BFS and DFS, Shortest Path Problems, Minimum Spanning Tree, Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms, and Topological Sorting; Problem Solving Strategy – Greedy Algorithms, Divide and Conquer Strategy, Dynamic Programming and Backtracking. Introduction – Algorithms, Analyzing & Designing Algorithms, Correctness of Algorithms; Greedy Algorithms – Introduction to Greedy Algorithms, Greedy Choice Property, Greedy vs. Dynamic Programming, Fractional Knapsack Problem, Activity Selection Problem, Huffman Encoding, Task Scheduling Problem, Coin Changing Problem, Kruskal’s and Prim’s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms; Divide and Conquer Algorithms – Introduction to Divide and Conquer Design Technique, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Proof of Correctness, and Run Time Analysis; Dynamic Programming – Introduction to Dynamic Programming Technique, Principle of Optimality, Optimal Substructure Property, Assembly Line Scheduling, Matrix Chain Multiplication, LCS, Viterbi Algorithm, Bitonic Euclidean Traveling Salesperson Problem and Runtime Analysis; Graph Searching and Shortest Path Problems – Breadth First Search, Depth First Search, Flow Networks, Single Source and All Pair Shortest Path Algorithms

Web Technology (Answer 01×10=10):

Introduction to Html, Java Script & CSS, Server Side Programming: HTTP Server, Application Server, MVC Web Framework, Web Services, Database Access: Object Relational Mapping, Lambda Expression, Language Integrated Query, Data Reader, Writer, Web Security: Denial of Service, Buffer Overflow, Cross Site Scripting, Authentication and Access Control

Operating System (Answer 01×10=10):

Overview of operating systems, functionalities and characteristics of OS. Hardware concepts related to OS, CPU states, I/O channels, memory hierarchy, and microprogramming. The concept of a process, operations on processes, process states, concurrent processes, process control block, process context. UNIX process control and management, PCB, signals, forks and pipes. Interrupt processing, operating system organization, OS kernel FLIH, dispatcher. Job and processor scheduling, scheduling algorithms, process hierarchies. Problems of concurrent processes, critical sections, mutual exclusion, synchronization, deadlock. Mutual exclusion, process co-operation, producer and consumer processes. Semaphores: definition, init, wait, signal operations. Use of semaphores to implement mutex, process synchronization etc., implementation of semaphores. Critical regions, Conditional Critical Regions, Monitors, Ada Tasks. Interprocess Communication (IPC), Message Passing, Direct and Indirect, Deadlock: prevention, detection, avoidance, banker’s algorithm. Memory organization and management, storage allocation. Virtual memory concepts, paging and segmentation, address mapping. Virtual storage management, page replacement strategies. File organization: blocking and buffering, file descriptor, directory structure, File and Directory structures, blocks and fragments, directory tree, inodes, file descriptors, UNIX file structure.

Database Management System (Answer 02×10=20):

Introduction to Database Systems: Evolution of file processing systems, role of databases in organizations, core components of a database

environment; Data Modeling: the Entity-Relationship Diagram and its symbols and constructs; The Relational Model and Normalization: relational model, normalization, transformation of an entityrelationship

data diagram into a relational model; SQL – A Standard Navigation Language for Relational Databases; Overview of Object-Oriented Databases: object-oriented data model, implementation of object persistence using relational databases. Indexing and Hashing: Basic Concepts, Ordered Indices, B+-Tree Index Files, B-Tree Index Files, Static Hashing, Dynamic Hashing, Comparison of Ordered Indexing and Hashing; Query Processing: Overview, Measures of Query Cost, Selection Operation, Sorting, Join Operation, Evaluation of Expressions; Query Optimization: Introduction, Transformation of Relational Expressions, Catalog Information for Cost Estimation, Statistical Information for Cost Estimation, Cost-based optimization; Transactions: Transaction Concept, Transaction State, Concurrent Executions, Serializability; Concurrency Control: Lock-Based Protocols, Timestamp-Based Protocols; Recovery System: Failure Classification, Storage Structure, Recovery and Atomicity, Log-Based Recovery, Recovery With Concurrent Transactions; Data Analysis and Mining: Data Mining, Decision tree, Bayes theory, Randomize tree; Database System Architectures: Centralized and Client-Server Systems, Server System Architectures, Parallel Systems, Distributed Systems, Network Types; Parallel Databases: Introduction, I/O Parallelism, Interquery Parallelism, Intraquery Parallelism, Intraoperation Parallelism, Interoperation Parallelism; Distributed Databases: Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Databases: Distributed Data Storage, Distributed Transactions, Commit Protocols; Additional should be included: Database Design, Database Tuning Security and Authorization, Multidimensional query.

Data Communications and Networking (Answer 01×10=10):

Introduction: Overview of the Internet, Overview of Networking Protocols, Network Edge, Network Core, Protocol Layers / Service Model, General Networking Example; Application Layer: Principles of Networking Applications, Web and HTTP, FTP, E-mail, DNS; Transport Layer: Transport Layer Services, Multiplexing and De multiplexing, Connectionless Transport: UDP, Principles of Reliable Data Transport, Connection Oriented Transport: TCP, Principles of Congestion Control, TCP Congestion Control; Network Layer: Datagram Networks, Inside a Router, Details of the Internet Protocol (IP), IP Sub netting, Routing Algorithms (Link State, Distance Vector), Routing in the Internet (Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)).

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